An Eight Day Trail Run

by - August 04, 2019

For the past five(?), six(?), seven(?) years, we've been part of the Stayner Camp worship team. Meaning we play music sets during morning and evening services for however long they book us for. It's crazy fun and it's become an important tradition for our family. We aren't paid to do this; instead, we're given free accommodations (a cabin) and free meals. It's a pretty sweet deal. This year we decided it would be the perfect opportunity to "break in the van" before hitting the road for eastern Canada.

We still took the cabin so the kids would have lots of space to spread out - plus, they'd each get their own room which has NEVER happened at camp before. We're going to be traveling pretty tight on our road trip, so there was no reason to rush that inevitability.

We got permission to park the van right by our cabin and we created a little camplife dream set up with our awning.

I never sleep well the first night away from home, but once that was under our belt I slept like a baby. We don't have fans or AC set up in the van, but all the windows can open, creating a beautiful cross breeze.

The nice thing about staying parked in the same spot for a number of days means you don't have to set up and tear down the bed every day. I know we'll have to do that when we hit the road for the east coast, but for now, we're enjoying the lazy bliss of relaxation!

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This is a positive space. Please be kind. 😘